Monday, December 29, 2008

Drywall....doesn't sound that exciting? Ah, but it is...thrilling in fact. The rooms are starting to take shape. :) We've hired Mike to help with the next stages of the house--good thing he is not scared of heights. Must be his agility from the volleyball court!

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Went to Moncton today....but not Christmas shopping! We bought all the rest of the faucets for the house, and 14 cartons of tile for the front entry and the mudroom/bath/laundry. They were HEAVY! But we love them...they are the bigger 18x18 tiles and are so pretty...I'll have to take some pics! :)

Sunday, December 7, 2008

A few new pics from around the house...the garage doors are not blue--just the tarp keeping the snow out until the doors get here. You can also see the pex "nerve centre", the front door, the basement family room (there are french doors at the can see the edge of one), and the Waterfurnace geothermal heat pump.

Our "O Clearance" fireplace...once the wall and mantal are built around it it has the look of a fireplace, but it is energy efficient like a woodstove. Charlie has already had it fired up with a nice, crackling fire....

Looking into the bonus room (standing in our walk-in closet...once the house is done you'd have to have x-ray eyes to do this!)

The walkway Gary made from some of the old stones that are all over the property...

Thursday, December 4, 2008

Good news for a change!

CMHC only requires a clean BACTERIOLOGICAL test, not the inorganics test...and we have that! No e-coli or other nasty things living in our water. So we're OK! *whew* After spending two days fretting and talking to Dept of Environment and Dept of Health! I have to say though that Marc at Dept of Env is absolutely wonderful...went out of his way to find out information for us, to give us advice and support!

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Can you sense my frustration?

CMHC is the most bureaucratic nightmare I have ever dealt with....even worse than the education system. Much worse in fact.

Dept of Environment suggests you do your water test after a period "normal usage" when the house is that the system has had a chance to be flushed. BUT CMHC requires a clean water test before 80% completion or they will not release more funding. So one agency is saying, you probably won't get a clean test yet, and another agency is saying you have to have a clean water test now. GAAAHHHH! And on top of that, if the lead is in the water we'll never have a "clean" test until it is filtered at the tap--you know, CMHC, those things that go on near the end of the building process??? When we are already more than 80% done???

CMHC, which is supposed to facilitate house building, is the one thing that has made this project more difficult and much more stressful....but what else should I expect from a govt agency....

Tuesday, December 2, 2008

Get the lead out...

And I am not talking about speeding up the building process. *sigh* Public Health left a message on the phone...our water test had high levels of lead. I have to call them tomorrow and find out what to do about that. Just one more hoop to jump through.....