Monday, March 30, 2009

Another one of those days....

...the ductwork in the basement is not long enough to come through the drop they have to come back and fix it. And when they turned the heat pump on today (for the first time) the electrician who was working in the bathroom yells out "There's a leak in here!"....someone, at some point, had punctured the pipe that takes the water out of the heat pump and away from the house. Looks like they put a nail through it. Oh bliss. So now we have to get the plumber back to fix that before we can turn the heating system on. At least it was lucky that tile happened to be out and someone noticed...if the ceiling had been enclosed it might have been a while before we noticed it.

On a good note all the electrical is done, permanant phone service coming Wednesday, internet and satellite tv on Monday. Appliances and furniture tomorrow!(washer, dryer, fridge, stove, dishwasher, microwave/range hood, couch, and bedroom set--whew!)

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